
Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture can be used for internal disease such as digestive distress, insomnia, stress, and more. It can also be an effective modality used to treat pain whether chronic or acute.

We use fine sterile disposable needles that are FDA approved and compliant.

Acupuncture may increase blood flow to local and distal areas of the body, similar to how a light switch can turn on lights in another room, the basis for meridians and qi is what we are affecting in the body to promote healing.


Using an FDA approved electrical stimulation machine, we connect the acupuncture needles to an electric current. This electric current stimulates healing factors local to the underlying fascia and muscle tissue and can be used to stimulate nerves and endogenous opioid responses (the body's pain-regulating response) as well. 

Electro-acupuncture is mostly used for muscle, joint, and nerve pain but can also be used to increase collagen production in the face when used in facial rejuvenation procedures. 

Dry Needling Therapy

Using another form of Acupuncture, Dry Needling Therapy focuses on releasing trigger points and stimulating motor points on a muscle. Dry Needling is a great way to loosen tight spasmatic muscles because the needle wraps around small muscle fibers in a trigger point or knot and creates a fasciculation event. Fasciculation is “a brief, spontaneous contraction affecting a small number of muscle fibers, often causing a flicker of movement under the skin. Oxford Definition.”

This purposeful muscle contraction tells motor neurons and sensory neurons to relax the muscle. In addition, it can help regulate and “wake up” lax muscles and may be helpful for muscle/sensory/nerve re-integration for movement or post-stroke. In California, only Licensed Acupuncturists and Medical Doctors that have undergone the proper training can administer Dry Needling Therapy.