Terms & Policies



Appointments can be made online through our Unified Practice Booking system. The link to booking an appointment is below on the button labeled "Book Now." As we are a small clinic with limited staff, we cannot take booking over the phone or through email. If our online booking system doesn't work, please contact info@boxacupuncture.com


Because we are a small clinic, our livelihood depends on patient and client appointments. If you book an appointment but don't show up on time or to the appointment resulting in a "no-show," you are taking valuable time that we could be spending working with other patients or clients. Therefore, we require that cancellations be done 24 hours in advance. You can do this by contacting Aaron at aaron@boxacupuncture or by calling 408 548 7256 to cancel, or through our online booking system. If by chance you have a no-show, you will be charged the price of your appointment. We understand that life happens, so this fee may be waived at the discretion of your practitioner.


You must show up to your appointment on time. On-time may mean at least 10-15 minutes prior to your appointment especially if you're a new patient and need to fill and sign your on-boarding forms. These may be completed prior to your appointment via our online booking platform. If you fill out incomplete forms online, your treatment time will include time spent filling out the on-boarding forms. 


Because we share facilities with another business, please be considerate of the practitioners by taking phone calls outside of the office. During your appointment we require that cell phones be silenced or turned off as to not disrupt your treatment or that of other patients.


In the State of California, Licensed Acupuncturists are considered Primary Care Providers. However, we are limited in our scope of practice to diagnose Western Diagnosis. Because of this, it is imperative to maintain a medical relationship with your Western Medical Doctor. In the event that you want us to communicate or collaborate with your MD, you will need to sign a waiver or consent to allow Medical documents be transferred to and from our clinic to your MD. All of this will be done according to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) protocol.