Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage is a type of massage that aims to have a therapeutic effect. This means that by the end of the treatment or session, the patient should experience some relief whether that be increased range of motion, less muscle fatigue or muscle pain, or joint pain may be diminished. Differing from general massage, therapeutic massage can be slightly uncomfortable due to the nature of releasing muscle tension and increasing inhibited range of motion of a joint.  We use Tui-Na technique or push-pull techniques based off of Traditional Asian Massage Principles. In conjunction, we may also use a modality called Gua-Sha with specific instruments that will glide along the skin and myofascia to elicit a healing response called Sha. This will bring more blood flow to the local tissues. 


Cupping Therapy

Seen often at the Olympics, Cupping Therapy is good at relieving muscle pain and tension in the local area. By lighting a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol and quickly inserting the flame into the cup, we create a suction that pulls up on the skin, as well as the underlying tissue. This causes a rush of blood and lymph to pool in the local area causing a slight swelling of the skin. The principle is similar but opposite to that of a general massage. We're increasing blood flow and lymphatic flow in the local area to create a healing effect on the body. This in turn helps with decreasing muscle fatigue and pain especially low back pain and shoulder pain. Patients often enjoy cupping therapy because they feel extremely relaxed after the treatment.