Primal Health Coaching

Based off of the ancestral/primal lifestyle created by Mark Sisson, we offer Health Coaching sessions and programs to help our clients and patients achieve better health through dietary change. The primal lifestyle focuses on eating whole foods, focusing upon eliminating sugar and processed foods. We offer both online or in person options listed below.

Initial Discovery Consultation

(Free) 30 minutes- over the phone, in person, or over skype.

Interested in losing weight, improving digestions, and increase energy? During the discovery consultation, we'll evaluate whether or not we'd be a good fit to work together. Once we move past the discovery consultation, you'll need to decide which program you'd like to enroll in.

Option 1: Once per week Health Coaching

60 minute session per week- over the phone, in person, or over skype.

This option is a pay as you go option, where we evaluate and discuss lifestyle and dietary changes. During this time, we will evaluate where you're at in life and what your goals are as well as providing homework, forms, and other handouts that will help you make positive changes to achieve your health goals.

Option 2: Monthly Package Sessions

4 (60 minute) sessions once per week- over the phone, in person, or over skype.

This option is essentially a monthly package where we set goals on a monthly basis and work together to achieve these goals. This will provide a package discount/savings compared to the pay as you go option.

Option 3: 12 Week Primal Health Program

12 (60 minute or bi-weekly 30 minute) sessions - over the phone, in person or over skype.

For clients and/or patients that wish to make a complete change in their diet and lifestyle to achieve their health goals, this option provides a comprehensive and cumulative program that will result in positive changes towards better health. This option provides the most savings compared to the other two options and also ensures that you'll be supported throughout your entire Primal Health Journey.

Option 3a: 21 day Primal Reset Program

3 (60 minute) sessions - over the phone, in person, or over skype.

For clients and/or patients that have already graduated from the 12 week program, this will provide similar support to the monthly package. We will go over changes that have been made from the 12 week program, and help keep you on track once you've graduated. If any negative changes in lifestyle or diet have occurred, then we'll address this to get you back on track.


** For clients that are being coached online or outside of California, we only accept up to 5 clients for option 3 at a time.