*About Evil Bone Water:
The name started when Mark T. Brinson DOM, Ap CEO of Evil Bone Water was still in school. He had 18 amazing double doctors from China as instructors. They all used Zheng Xie Gu Shu (ZGS) liberally in the student clinic. When asked what ZGS translated as, several of the Master Herbalists would chuckle and say “Evil Bone Water”.
As Mark learned Medical Chinese, He realized this was far from a literal translation, as it is actually “Rectify or Correct Bone Water.” Skip forward to his practice, and Mark would often tell this story to patients that were prescribed bottles as “homework.”
When it was decided to make ZGS using the traditional methods and returning the legacy herbs into the formula, it was just obvious what needed to be done.
The most recent version Zheng Xie Gu Shui or “Rectify Evil Bone Water”, Evil Bone Water for short contains only the highest grade herbs available.
*info taken from Valley Health Clinic
*About Zheng Xie Gu Shui:
Evil Bone Water (Zheng Gu Shui) is a Chinese topical medicinal hand-crafted with only empirical grade herbal ingredients in an approved facility.
Common uses for Evil Bone Water include:
Incidental Injuries (particularly sports injuries)
Joint Pain
Spinal Pain
Muscle & Ligament Pain
General Pain
Cuts & Insect Bites
“The power of Evil Bone Water is that is actually helps the problem instead of just patching up the symptoms.”
About Fu Medicinals
All Fu Medicinals products are handmade by John Ditmars, a licensed acupuncturist living in Eugene, Oregon. John earned his Master’s Degree in Acupuncture at New York City’s renowned Tri-State College of Acupuncture. He specializes in Sports Medicine/Orthopedic treatments and has much experience working with high-level athletes and weekend warriors alike. His acupuncture style is based on his unique trainings directly under Dr. Mark Seem and Kiiko Matusmoto, among his post-graduate education with prominent teachers of acupuncture and Chinese medicinal herbs.
About Imperial Ghost Oil:
Imperial Ghost Oil is perfect for use in Cupping, Gua Sha, and Massage Therapies. This is a warming formula which helps to reduce pain, disperse toxins and stagnation, and aid in proper blood flow to the muscles and connective tissues. Imperial Ghost Oil was developed in Oregon over several years but it is similar to the famous U-I Oil from Old China. This recipe has an excellent feel for both the patient and the practitioner.