Medical Therapeutic Massage Therapy

Unlike general massage and/or relaxation massage, the goal of Medical Therapeutic Massage is to improve range of motion, increase circulation and reduce the frequency and severity of pain. In some cases, it may help with numbness and tingling. Medical Therapeutic Massage has therapeutic goals in mind to help patients live pain free. Both Dolphin and Pamela, our massage therapists on staff, are experienced in many different techniques to help you achieve optimal health and live pain free.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy

Dolphin is currently certified in Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy. Her training and expertise is to help reduce edema for patients that have lymphedema. She is experienced in treating patients post surgery that affects lymhpatic flow in the tissue. Specifically, she has worked with cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, patients that have had cosmetic surgery like tummy tucks, reconstruction both facial and or body reconstruction. She is also experienced with working with post-operative edema like knee, hip, shoulder replacements, or any medical procedure that affects the flow of lymphatic fluid throughout the body.

Cosmetic Facial Reposturing Massage Therapy

Pamela is currently certified in Facial Reposturing. This is a technique that specifically relaxes many muscles of the face to reduce tension, reposture and re-shape the face so that it is softer, more pliable. This helps reduce wrinkles, improves collagen, and promotes relaxation. This is especially effective in chronic headaches and migraines, TMJ, and has the added benefit of reducing fine lines and wrinkles while promoting relaxation.

Due to the nature of the services, Massage Therapy is an out of pocket expense. We require a 100% deposit when making an appointment in addition to a Credit Card on File.
No-Shows and Unexplained Late Cancellations will result in a default of the original deposit.

Medical Therapeutic Massage may be covered by Worker’s Compensation or Auto Claims if the claim is open and is authorized through a claims adjuster.